Enum and Constant of Rust

Enum and Constant of Rust

⚡ use - defined to import some or all enum defined and used them directly.

⚡ const - keyword that allowed you to define an unchangeable value.


enum Rustlearning{

fn main(){

    use crate::Rustlearning::*;
    let status = HOME;
    println!("{:#?}", status);


Example of const


static YEAR: i32 = 2022;
const WELCOME: &str = "Welcoming Year";

fn main(){
    println!("Happy New Year {}", YEAR);
    println!("{} {}", WELCOME, YEAR);

Github: https://github.com/eshaikhahmed/rust_learnings


Ejaz Shaikh

I'm passionate about freelancing, technology and healthy lifestyle. I enjoy writing code and writing about code.

Something awesome will come here..