Started with Rust Programming

Started with Rust Programming

I've just started with Rust Programming.

⚡ I've a lot of different languages in my bucket such C++,Python & Java
⚡ Feel excited about Rust
⚡ I'd like to contribute to this project

I'll be more happy if we could learn together and have fun!
fn main(){

    //** Boolean variable declarations & assignments
    let logical = true;
    let cool: bool = false;

    //thinking ? firt true and 2nd false ;)
    println!("Hey Bool, we missed you: {0} and you sounds cool: {1}", logical, cool);

    //** Integer 
    let logical = 100;
    let new_wow = 100i64;
    //thinking ? both prints 100 ;)
    println!("Never thought century {0} it will be this much fun haaw!! {1}", logical, new_wow); 

    //** Float  */
    let funn = 50.0;
    let float_baby: f32 = 100f32;
    println!("Floating {0} wait I'm coming {1}", funn, float_baby); 



#Rust #Contribute #Journey #Learn2Contribute


Ejaz Shaikh

I'm passionate about freelancing, technology and healthy lifestyle. I enjoy writing code and writing about code.

Something awesome will come here..